HeroFest in Bern, 11th October 2024

Look forward to inspiring lectures and discussions tailored to Swiss marketing decision-makers. Dive into the world of gaming and esports and learn how interactive experiences are revolutionizing brand building and fan engagement. Network with like-minded people and explore HeroFest and SwitzerLAN up close.

Aftermovie 2023

Our Speakers of 2023


Jennifer Probst, Lead Consumer Marketing & Sponsorships - Mastercard

  • Insights into the global partnership between Mastercard und Riot Games


German Ramirez, Digital & Blockchain Pioneer and Awarded Branding & Marketing Expert - THE RELEVANCE HOUSE

  • Forget Engagement, Forget Loyalty, Forget Consumers in the Web3


Dr. Steffen Schmidt, Director Marketing Science & Agile Insights - YouGov Link

  • Ready Player One: The Effect of Employer and Consumer Branding in Gaming

and many more ...

You can expect just as great speakers for this year!

11 - 13 October 2024

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